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Our community says

Nishitbaria1's avatar

Nishit Baria ⚑ | Learning Typescript

Wrapping up an amazing #GSSOC2023 journey thanks to @girlscriptsoc! Shoutout to @quine_sh πŸš€ Their platform not only helped me track my progress but also provided a worldwide view of developer rankings.
#quinewithgssoc πŸ’»πŸŒŸ

____Sudhir's avatar

Sudhir Kumar

Big thanks to @quine_sh for kickstarting my open source journey. Their motto, 'For each open GitHub Issue, there's a developer waiting to solve it,' has led me to Hacktoberfest and beyond. πŸš€
Their platform makes 'good first issues' easily accessible across languages

harshsinghcs's avatar

Harsh Singh

Embarked on my first open-source journey with Quine Quest 001! πŸš€ Grateful for the engaging challenge and the fantastic Quine community. Exciting times ahead! πŸ’»πŸ’‘ Kudos to @quine_sh for fostering a space for growth and collaboration!πŸ‘ #QuineQuest

Akshita_archer's avatar

Akshita Gupta

Became the winner πŸ”₯ of @quine_sh Quest-001 with a prize of $200 and Premium quine merch pack πŸš€πŸ™
Thank you so much everyone for supporting my project ❀️
Checkout Quine Quest and win

Manisha69327077's avatar


Found this amazing platform through GSSOC 2023,
It helps to track the progress and gives an insight to the developer ranking world wide , though I am far behind πŸ˜…
#girlsscriptsoc #gssoc #quinewithgssoc @quine_sh @girlscriptsoc

jiashenggo's avatar


Feel so honored be able to contribute to @prisma. Although it's just a trivial fix, it shows the value Prisma place on DX.

Also feel a little embarrassed to be awarded for this by @quine_sh, as the fix is kind of already provided in the descriptionπŸ˜‚

mxcl's avatar

Max Howell

Quine have added a whole new layer of interesting functionality on top of GitHub's woefully lacking profile & social spaces:

/see see @quine_sh

bees_neeth's avatar

praneeth_s πŸ¦‡πŸ”Š

The path towards building proper attribution for developer contributions to OSS!! Do check out the @quine_sh alpha and the πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ stuff their building!!

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