Source high-quality contributors into your orbit

Build in open source with the top 1% of developers

Quest participant
Quest participant
Quest participant
Quest card
Quest bubble connecting lineQuest participantPull Request icon
Solver community
Issue coverage
PR submission time

Pull Requests as a Service


We crunch OSS data to assess the fit of contributors and procure speed & quality of PRs.

Workflow friendly

Our GitHub app is highly configurable and integrates neatly with your organisation's workflows.

Highly configurable

Background gradientconfigurability
Configure the visibility of your campaigns to either run them publicly on GitHub or privately from our app.

Trusted by

Nixtla logoTraceloop logoPrisma logoMindsDB logoTwenty logoFlagsmith logoTaipy logoBrowserless logoCopilotKit logoNixtla logoTraceloop logoPrisma logoMindsDB logoTwenty logoFlagsmith logoTaipy logoBrowserless logoCopilotKit logoNixtla logoTraceloop logoPrisma logoMindsDB logoTwenty logoFlagsmith logoTaipy logoBrowserless logoCopilotKit logo

and other leading organisations

How It Works


Set a reward for issues in your GitHub repos

Install @quest-bot on your GitHub repos and fund a Quest by commenting on the issue.
Fund the development

Receive high quality PRs from top community solvers

Quine suggests your issues to relevant solvers who have an interest in your community.
Merge the Pull Request

Reward solvers and grow your community!

As soon as the PR is merged, solvers can claim the reward and see an increase in their reputation.
Reward the contributor

Included in the box

Service bell

Managed ops and payments


Customisable narrative journeys

Github issue

Adapts to your GitHub workflow

Avatar with a building in the back

Stunning profiles for your org

Coming soon
Vertical barchart

Community & Quest analytics


Badges for contributor recognition

Powered by magic Machine Learning

Quine uses data and machine learning to bring the 
best contributors to your orbit

Limited time offer

One simple price

/ Everything included


Early adopter plan

Ideal for Commercial Open Source organisations

Reward community for solving open issues

Source skilled contributors on your repos

Find quality talent for hire and expand your team

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